Excellent new for all gamers today! Running PlayStation 3 games on mobile phones is now possible with new PS3 emulator for Android operating systems.
Developers of this software made a hard work which took months then expected since this console was demanding job to tweak to be optimized as Android supported application. Just imagine that big sized SONY’s machine to get minimized as just one mobile app which should emulate PS3 console with smartphones hardware specifications.
Like its creators claim, running games on this emulator will be very easy since it has its own server with all PlayStation 3 games uploaded on. So all user have to do is connect to it trough emulator inside and either play desired game from online server or download it to their device and play it whenever they want offline. This saves a lots of time for anyone since finding games on web is time-eating exhausting work.
– Download App:
You can get PS3 emulator PS3Mobi Apk from ps3mobi.com where there are direct links to get it for free.
– How to use the tool:
It’s very simple to start playing games with this program. Installation goes normally like with any other Android application. Wait until its done and run the app. There when you first open it a setup page will appear with main settings to set by your choice. Which means controls, sounds and graphics settings. This depends on user what someone prefers so as it varies from person to person we’ll not post some specific settings for everyone since we’re all different.
Next step is choosing and running your desired game to play. Here just go to games tab at the top bar, connect to server and choose a title you’d like to play. Tab “Start Game” button and that’s it! Enjoy yourself!
Some GamePlay ScreenShots:

Update: PS3Mobi is supported for iOS too!
After successful work on making the PS3Mobi playing games on Google’s mobile operating system, their developers decided to go one step higher and make an iOS version too. This was a little harder goal to accomplish since Apple’s systems are more protected when it comes to getting inside their core and managing a jailbreak job. But after few months of daily work and dedication, their idea finally came alive.
From now on gamers can enjoy playing their desired PlayStation 3 titles on iPhone and iPad too.
Note: Jailbreaking a cellphone is not required for an iOS version. There is only a small step required before installing the app. User needs to set the date time in their settings to year 2014 or earlier. I’m not sure exactly why, since creators not revealed this information anywhere. But a guess is that Apple had some kind of vulnerability inside their iOS version back in 2014, and the emulator is probably exploiting this loophole to work properly on their mobile phones.
PlayStation 3 emulator for PC Windows and Mac
Every software released out there has its first version released for a desktop computer, since it’s still impossible programming on a mobile devices due to lacking of such platforms. And on the other hand it’s more easier to develop on a PC as well. Microsoft Windows is a common OS used for programming almost any type of application because it has most powerful coding software collection. Later these programs are just getting supported for other types of platforms, such as Apple Macintosh, shortly “Mac”. But they also have their own coding software where applications for Mac and iOS are made.
But since the Windows is today’s No.1 OS used worldwide, most apps are getting released on this platform first. And it is case with the PS3Mobi app too. Yes that’s right. If you thought this PS3 emulator is made for smartphones only you’re wrong. PS3Mobi’s first version was released on Windows. The thing is only that it was not released to public while mobile apps did. Creators first plan was to make it mobile version of PlayStation 3 emulator only, and later they’ve decided to bring out the desktop version too.
Today its competitor is the RPCS3, rated as the top desktop emulator, while the PS3Mobi is on first place when it comes to emulating games on Android and iOS.
PS3Mobi works on every smartphone with Android or iOS.
It doesn’t matter is your cellphone is older one or newest one. It will run any PS3 game with playable fps. The only thing which will be different is a graphic quality. Logically, newer devices will show better and more clearer resolution then older ones. But positive thing is the emulator will fork for anyone!
This is possible because of its new feature which is automatically changing GFX settings from low to high, depending on what hardware specs are installed in certain phone.
Guide to Download
When downloading any emulator, always make sure to download from its official website only!
Why? Because emulators are one of the most programs which hackers like to infect with all kind of trojans, viruses, spyware and such malware. This can be very dangerous for your computer and your own safety and privacy protection because if you downloaded something infected with a trojan inside, it can spy your online activity and/ or even steal your stored passwords inside browser(s). And if you have some valuable information for hacker you are in big trouble.
Always make sure your downloaded file is clean. That’s why you should only download from trusted websites. And since the official sites are first source from when emulators are being made, these are the most trusted place to get the files from.
PS3Mobi (All versions) can be gathered from www.ps3mobi.com
If there in future comes some other newer and better PS3 emulator then these mentioned here, you can always check out the Emulator Zone’s section where they list any new emulator which gets released.
That would be all about for today. Hope you learned something useful, and if you did, we would appreciate if you can share our post on some of your favorite social profiles.
If you seeking for more fun and games to play except Sony PlayStation 3, read about the new Xbox One emulator.
See you soon!
Was waiting for it for ages to get released. As the RPCS3 is great for a PC to play, one good and stable PS3 emulator was needed for smartphones. Because you can’t always be at your home playing. I also like to play while I’m in school, bus and so 🙂
So satisfied now, the PS3Mobi app rocks! 😀
Thank u <3
I will definitely rape this app badly this summer for whole days haha
Thanks for the tutorial, will come helpful 😀
I can’t understand your email “go(alt+v)thetechmogul(dot)com” what this actually?
Hi Mariya,
This trick is used to hide our email from automatic bots which are grabbing emails from all around the internet and then spammers use them to advertise and spam your mailbox with all kind of promotion garbage. This way you just have to think and you can see the email easily: If you press on your keyboard “Alt+V” it will type sign “@”, and “dot” is “.”. So the real email is clear 🙂